- negotiating, drafting or, as the case may be, verifying proposed contracts;
- negotiating, drafting or, as the case may be, verifying proposed amendments to an already existing contract;
- offering legal advice with respect to the validity, interpretation, effects and termination of an already existing contract;
- registering rights deriving from a contract in various public records;
- drafting and submitting notifications for setting in default, termination for convenience, termination for cause etc.
Examples of projects in which I was involved:
- assisting one of the most important companies at the global scale in the field of technology with respect to the contractual claims procedure established by a FIDIC contract, as well as with respect to the sanctions and remedies which could be applied in case of violation of said procedure;
- assisting one of the largest European banks with regard to the termination of a lease agreement concerning one of its headquarters;
- assisting a services contractor with respect to the interpretation and the performance of a contract concluded with one of the largest companies owned by the Romanian state;
- drafting a legal memorandum with regard to the tacit renewal of a distribution contract for one of the largest regional companies in the oil field;
- assisting a client in the negotiation process with the Agricultural Payments and Intervention Agency in view of concluding a grant agreement;
- drafting a legal analysis of a potential abuse of bargaining power in the negotiation of a contract for the cable retransmission of TV programmes;
- reviewing and amending a framework brokerage agreement for a national insurance broker;
- reviewing and amending a settlement agreement with a distributor of software products, in view of preventing a dispute stemming from unauthorised transactions made in the account of the beneficiary customer;
- reviewing a memorandum of association for the creation of a joint venture for the filing of the necessary documentation for a protected geographical indication at the European Union level;
- drafting non-disclosure agreements for one of the largest global companies in the tobacco industry.