- offering legal advice with respect to chances of winning, potential arguments and counterarguments in a court trial or in an arbitral case;
- determining the legal strategy in a court trial or in an arbitral case;
- drafting claims, statements of defence, answers to statements of defence, appeals and other legal documents which are necessary throughout the trial;
- assistance in the process of conducting expert reports and in that of challenging such reports;
- representing the clients in front of the national courts and of other bodies with jurisdictional roles;
- drafting requests for arbitration, statements of defence, memorandums and other legal documents necessary in an arbitral case;
- assistance with witness depositions and with expert reports in an arbitral case;
- participating in hearings in front of the arbitral tribunal.
Examples of projects in which I was involved:
- representing three of the largest Romanian banks in hundreds of trials regarding contractual remedies or tortious liability;
- representing an important European industrial construction company in a contractual liability claim against a national company;
- representing one of the most important global fast-food chains in a series of disputes regarding the violation of a joint venture agreement;
- representing a multinational energy company in a series of cases regarding the termination of a services contract and the violation of contractual confidentiality obligations;
- representing one of the most important food and beverage manufacturers in Eastern Europe in disputes regarding trademark and industrial design violations, as well as in unfair competition cases;
- representing one of the largest global pharmaceutical companies in cases regarding breach of patent by generic drug manufacturers;
- representing a foreign contractor in a case regarding the revision of the contract price and the payment of delay penalties in a public procurement contract;
- assistance in the drafting of legal opinions on the allocation of payments and on civil contractual liability in a series of arbitral cases between a contractor from Western Europe and one of the largest companies owned by the Romanian state;
- assisting and representing an IT company in a series of disputes pertaining to the payment, by their contractual partners, of overdue amounts and of the corresponding delay penalties, to the closing of the access to a software platform and to the payment of the amounts for the transfer of certain economic rights belonging to the author;
- assisting and representing a security and protection company in a complaint against a decision issued by the National Appeals Board;
- assisting and representing a security and protection company in a claim for alleged material damages caused to the contracting authority by delays in the completion of the public procurement procedure;
- assisting and representing two banks in a series of challenges against administrative infractions alleged by the National Authority for Consumer Protection;
- assisting a meat manufacturer in view of drafting a challenge against administrative infractions alleged by the National Authority for Consumer Protection;
- representing a client in a tortious liability claim against a Land Registry Office.